Dive Insurance

Dive Insurance

It is strongly advised that all travellers secure comprehensive travel insurance to provide coverage in the event of trip cancellations due to factors such as illness, inclement weather, travel delays, changes to the itinerary, lost luggage, or legal expenses. Please note that standard travel insurance may not provide coverage for diving accidents or related treatment and evacuation costs.

For these risks, separate insurance specifically designed for scuba divers, such as that offered by  Dive Assure, is recommended. They offer comprehensive insurance packages tailored to the unique needs of scuba divers, with options like Dive Assure’s rider offering coverage for incidents related to overnight experiences, such as flight cancellations or delays, vessel malfunctions, medical incapacity to dive, inclement weather (beyond named storms and cyclones), and more.

During the cyclone season (December to April), which may result in trip delays or cancellations due to severe storms or named cyclones, it is advisable to purchase insurance coverage for force majeure events (unforeseeable natural disasters).

Please note that not all travel insurance policies provide coverage for scuba diving and in-water activities, and it is important to carefully review policy wording before purchasing. In the event of a medical emergency requiring evacuation, medical treatment, or vessel relocation, the financial responsibility for these expenses falls solely on the customer.